

How To Get Paid To
Create Digital Products

For Anyone Looking For A Smarter Way To Start An Online Business


New System Reveals A Counterintuitive Approach
That gets You PAID to create
products before you actually create them

from: the laptop of Nick Tribe


If you're on this page, chances are I probably know a thing or two about you.

You tell people you want to become an entrepreneur.

Deep down, you just want to make some money online. 

Maybe you dream of becoming a digital nomad, with all the freedom, the status, the ability to work from anywhere that comes with it. 

Or maybe you dream of having your big company with your name on top that everyone respects and admires.

But instead of getting the success you want, you’re stuck.

You are confused by all the different “gurus” telling you to do completely different things. 

You get pumped up watching their videos, tweets, and posts but at the same time, envy creeps in.

You see the lifestyle they have—the travel, the income, the freedom—and you crave it. 

But you have no idea how to get it.

Maybe you’ve tried e-commerce or drop-shipping, print-on-demand, even launching a theme page hoping to make something happen.

And none of it worked.

You’ve thought about agency work too. Selling websites, logos, or maybe content services to businesses. But deep down...you don’t believe you can pull it off, because you have no idea where to find those clients who’d actually give you money.

Sound familiar? 

If the answer is yes, let me ask you.

What if there was ANOTHER WAY? 

What if you could get paid before you even build anything? 

What if you could get cash in your bank account before wasting time, money, and energy on the next project?

What if you could stop the guesswork, lock in real customers, and get cash in your pocket first?

Instead of pouring months into something that may or may not work, you could know upfront that your idea is a winner. 

If that sounds interesting to you...

Then this will be the most important system you'll ever implement in your business.

Here's why:

Most people who want to make money online are lost.

They know they want to start a business, but they have no idea where to begin. 

How do I know? 

Simple. I’ve been there.

Tell me if this looks familiar.

You see all these shiny business models online, and you think. 

"This is it, this is how I’ll finally make money." 

But here’s the truth that no one is telling you. 

Most of those models SUCK.

Deep down, you know this already.

If you were completely satisfied with your business ventures right now, you wouldn't be reading this.

Here's what you might have tried.

Agency work? It sounds good until you realize you’ve just created another job for yourself. Endless client revisions, chasing invoices, and worst of all? You end up working for other people again—just like having a boss. No freedom, just more stress.

E-commerce? You think you’ll launch a store and get rich, but the reality is razor-thin margins. You're dealing with suppliers, shipping headaches, and brutal competition. It’s a race to the bottom, and unless you’ve got a huge marketing budget, you’re going to struggle to even break even.

Affiliate marketing? Dropshipping? Print-on-demand? Sure, they’re tempting, but also overhyped and oversaturated. You’re just another small fish in a giant sea, trying to sell someone else’s stuff with no control over your own destiny.

I can say all of this with confidence because the person that had experience trying them all was me. 

I tried pretty much all of it.

Agency? Did that. Hated every second of it.

E-commerce? I’ve been there. Didn't sell much.

Affiliate? Theme pages? Freelancing?

You name it, I gave it a shot. 

I failed over and over again. For years. 


I gave it everything I had. I gave it my BEST shot.

And it didn’t work.

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - without anyone guiding me I've finally figured out the reason why.

And here it is.

I was following the same old advice everyone else was. 

I was watching the YouTube videos. 

I was getting 'motivated' and pumped to work. 

I was convincing myself that my time, someday, would come.

I ended up with nothing to show for it, and just sick of following the same useless advice that everyone preaches.

Deep down, you know what I'm talking about too.

You have probably encountered some variation of the following 'advices' online.

"Hustle Harder"
Why? I don’t want to spend 16 hours a day grinding, working on someone else’s clock. Hustling for the sake of hustling is just dumb. Why would you want to hustle like that when you could just work smarter and get the money up front?

"Be Patient"
Why should you wait? Everyone tells you to "stick with it, be patient, your time will come." But honestly, that’s just an excuse for people who aren’t making any money. I know because I've been this person for so long. Why should you sit around, hoping that one day someone might care about what you’ve built? I want to get paid NOW—not in some imaginary future.

"Give Your Stuff Away For FREE"
This is the worst one. You’re supposed to give away your product or service for free and then just hope that people magically turn into paying customers? If only was that simple. That almost never happens. You’re just burning yourself out, giving away the value you’ve worked for, and praying that one day they’ll buy. Spoiler alert: they won’t. You’ll end up wasting your time and wondering why no one respects your work.

I got tired of waiting. I got tired of hoping. I got tired of thinking that some day, SOME DAY...buyers will come.

But guess what? 

They don’t come. 

No one’s sitting around waiting to throw money at you.

And that’s when it hit me.

The problem wasn’t my product. 

The problem was the entire approach.

Why the hell was I spending all this time building something, only to cross my fingers and hope people would buy it later? 

It was backwards. The real question I should’ve been asking from the start was: 

“Do people want this? And are they willing to pay for it, right NOW?”

That’s when I started to switch the whole thing.

I got So tired of This All  building something first & then trying to sell it.

So I did something
completely different.

I flipped the whole damn model on its head. 

Instead of spending months creating something that might not sell, I started with one simple idea: 

Get the money first.

Here’s how it works:

Before you build anything, you make sure people are willing to pay for it. 

You sell first...then you create. 

No wasted time. No energy thrown away on things no one wants. And guess what? 


It didn’t just work once. 

It worked over and over again, in different markets, niches, and price points. 

I've sold ebooks, courses, programs, templates, and all kinds of digital products using this exact principle.

I've used this system with ads, content, and even selling in the DMs.

I would get the money first, THEN (and only then) focus on creating the actual product.

It flips the model on its head because it gives you what you want here and now.

It's also something that the vast majority of successful entrepreneurs and startups used at the very beginning of their journey.

But no one actually explains that to beginner entrepreneurs.

This approach is LESS risky, doesn't require huge capital, and it just WORKS.

And that's when it hit me. 

I Realized I stumbled Upon a system.

So I've taken that system, tested it, and refined it into what I now call 
The Smarter Entrepreneur.

It’s a counterintuitive approach that goes against everything you’ve been taught about building a business. 

But it’s also the only approach that consistently gets you paid upfront, before you spend months or years building a product that nobody buys.

I’ve put this system to work in every type of market, and every time, it delivered. 

Now, I’m giving you access to the exact steps I used to flip the script and start getting paid first.

Because after all these years, failures, and trial and error...

I just know that you don't need 99% of what people tell you today.

You just "need" ONE thing:

a system that gets you paid upfront.

And that's What You Get When You Join The Smarter Entrepreneur.

Here's exactly what you're going to get:

The Guide: This is the foundation of the system. You’ll get a detailed, no-nonsense guide that walks you through every step of the process. No fluff, no filler. Just proven strategies that show you exactly how to get paid upfront before you even start building. From validating your idea to locking in pre-sales, this guide covers everything you need to hit the ground running.

✅ Templates: Why reinvent the wheel when you can use mine? You’ll get done-for-you templates that take the guesswork out of your business. From scripts to pre-sale pitches and landing page frameworks, these templates are designed to help you move fast. Plug in your details, and you're good to go.

✅ Step-by-Step Instructions: I’m not going to leave you hanging. You’ll get clear, actionable instructions that break down the process into easy-to-follow steps. From the very first idea to the final sale, you’ll know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to execute. No more confusion, no more wondering if you're on the right track—just a simple system that works.

✅ Members Area: You’ll have access to a private members area where everything is organized for you. All your resources, guides, and tools are in one place, making it easy for you to stay focused and on track. Think of it as your command center for building your paid-upfront business.

✅ Q&A Support: Have questions? Need clarity? You’ll get access to a space where you can ask questions and get answers directly. Whether you’re stuck on a particular step or just need feedback on your idea, I’ll be there to help guide you through it, so you can keep moving forward without missing a beat.

Listen, I could go on, but by now you should know whether or not getting your hands on this system is worth it to you.

Now, let's address the elephant in the room.

Because if you haven't already clicked the 'buy now' button...

It means that you're probably wondering...

Why You Should Even Listen to A Single Word I Say

If that's you, well...

I don't blame you. 

The internet is full of gurus and people making hype pitch after hype pitch.

Now, I know this is the part where most people hit you with life-changing testimonials and rags-to-riches stories

The whole “I started with nothing and now I make millions” garbage. 

You’re probably expecting a dozen screenshots of people saying how my system changed their lives overnight.

Or pictures of my Stripe dashboards full of money coming in every second.

But here’s the thing...

I’m NOT going to do any of that.

In fact, I'll do the opposite.

If you need testimonials to feel comfortable buying this, you’re probably not a good fit.

Let me be clear.

And I am saying this against my interest.

Do NOT buy this if you’re sitting there waiting for someone else to convince
you it works.


The success of The Smarter Entrepreneur doesn’t depend on your purchase. 

It’s been tested, used, and perfected across different markets, niches, and price points. 

I stand by it 100% because I use it every day for my projects. 

I’ve seen the results firsthand, and I know exactly how well it performs.

So let’s cut the fluff. 

I’m not here to convince you or push some hard sell.

I’m already applying this system successfully in my own business and have been for a while. 

This isn’t theory—this is what I do, every day.

This system is responsible for *hard sales* online - not just followers, leads, or 'visibility'.

So let's cut the fluff. 

Most people say they offer this kind of products because they have a mission, or they want to change the world, or some other weird story.

I call bullsh*t on that.

I’m doing this because I know it works, and I know it can help you. 

And because of that, it has monetary value. 

If it didn’t work and I couldn't sell it, I wouldn’t care less about you or anyone else. 

Harsh? Sure. But it’s the truth.

I don’t need to pretend I’m some saint on a mission. 

I’m here to make money. 

This system works, and it can help you get paid upfront to create digital products. Because of this, I want to get paid for it. Simple as that. 

If you’re looking for someone to spoon-feed you inspirational nonsense about changing the world, this isn’t for you.

I’ve already proven that I don’t BS you. What you see is what you get. I don’t care if that rubs you the wrong way. 

The reality is, if you’re not ready to take action, you’re not going to benefit from this anyway.

The price is so ridiculously low, you shouldn’t even be worried about it. 

Honestly, if you’re stressing over an investment this small in yourself, this is not for you.

This is for people that want a smarter, easier, and more reliable way to start online businesses.

You will NOT get rich overnight or any other BS claim. 

This is about *ENTREPRENEURSHIP* - not some weird scheme. 

So if you’re sitting there, unsure whether this is right for you, here’s my advice: Don’t buy it. Move on. 

No hard feelings. 

I’m not going to twist your arm or convince you to see the value in investing in yourself.

But if you’re serious, if you want results and not fluff... 

Then you know what to do.

That being said, let me make one thing crystal clear: you’re covered.

You can rest easy knowing that your purchase is covered by the Smarter Entrepreneur Money-Back Guarantee.

Here’s how it works:

I am so confident in the value of this system and what it could do for your entrepreneurial career that...

If you go through all the training, follow the steps, and you still don’t get results, I’ll give you ALL of your money back. 

No, I’m not talking about dipping your toe in or half-assing it. You’ve got to consume every piece of the training.

If you actually do the work and you’re not seeing progress, fine—I’ll hand you your money back, no questions asked. 

Why? Because I know this system works. 

But let’s be real. This isn’t a free ride. If you think you can just buy this, sit on your ass, and get results magically, think again. 

You have to put in the work, and if you’re not ready for that, don’t waste my time or yours.

But if you are ready? 

Then know you’ve got nothing to lose. 

Either you get the results, or you get all of your money back. 

So buy with confidence.

You can only win with this system. 

Simple as that.

Start Your Digital Business TODAY

Get The Smarter Entrepreneur System


The Smarter Entrepreneur

$ 499


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F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Smarter Entrepreneur?

It’s a counterintuitive system that flips the traditional business model on its head. Instead of spending months building something, hoping it’ll sell, you’ll learn how to get paid first, then build. It’s the exact system I use, tested and proven in multiple markets and niches, to get real results before you invest time and energy into creating a product.

I Am Interested. What Exactly Am I Getting?

When you join you will get access to a membership dashboard. From there, you're going to learn the complete system that shows you how to get paid upfront before you even build. This includes a written curriculum, templates, step-by-step instructions, Q&A support, and more. Everything you need to stop wasting time and start getting paid—no fluff, no filler.

What If I Don't Have a Product Idea Yet?

No problem at all. In a way, better - because you come with an open mind and you can choose to apply the framework however you see fit. This system works for those just starting out or those stuck with failed ideas. I’ll show you how to find out what people will pay for before you even build, no matter who you are, what niche you're in, or what you want to sell. 

Can I Do This On The Side?

Absolutely. I’m all about freedom and designing a business that works for you. Whether you’re part-time, full-time, or just getting started, you can make this work. But you still need to commit.

What's The Catch?

There is none. Either you’re ready to invest in yourself and make things happen, or you’re not. I’m not here to convince you. The only "catch" is that you’ve got to take action.

Is There Support If I Have Questions? 

Yes, there’s a Q&A section for you to ask questions for your specific situation. But this isn't a coaching program. It's a step-by-system that you must learn and implement. If you’re looking for someone to babysit you through the process, this isn’t for you.

Why Should I Trust You?

I could easily say because I've done this across different markets, niches, and offers and also helped others achieve the same result. But as stated in the letter, if you need me to convince you, this is not a good fit. If you can’t see that from everything I’ve already said, don’t buy. Simple.

Why Don't You Show Testimonials?

Because I don't need them. From experience, the type of people who need testimonials to feel safe about a purchase aren’t the kind I want to work with. Real action-takers don’t need a long list of people to convince them. They move fast, implement immediately, and get results. The system is built for those kinds of people.

If you’re still sitting around waiting for someone else’s success story, this isn’t for you. I don’t need to convince a few more people who aren’t going to do anything with it anyway. 

How Long Will It Take To Start Seeing Results?

That depends entirely on you. If you sit on your ass and do nothing, you’ll see results never. But if you dive into the system, put in the effort, and actually take action, you’ll start seeing results faster than if you keep doing the same tired methods that haven’t worked.

It’s not magic—it’s a system that requires work. The faster you implement, the faster you’ll see results. Action = results. No action = no results. Simple.

Do You Offer 1-1 Help?

This is a self-paced program designed to help you understand and implement the system. I don't hold anything back and you don't need me to get results from it. But if you are the type of person who benefits from coaching, we can talk about it. 

Why The Price Is So Low?

Because this is a launch offer. Right now, you’re getting in at the ground floor while I gather feedback and refine things for more people. But the price is going up soon. The more people who sign in, the more value I deliver, the higher this price will climb. So if you’re hesitating over this small investment, just know the offer won’t stay this low for long. Take advantage while it’s here.


The information provided on this website, including the Smarter Entrepreneur system, is for educational and informational purposes only. We make no guarantees regarding income, business success, or specific outcomes, as results may vary based on individual circumstances and effort.

Any earnings or income statements are estimates only, and there is no assurance you will achieve the same results. By purchasing this program, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own actions and decisions. Nick Tribe and his company are not liable for any financial loss, damages, or negative outcomes resulting from the use of the materials or content provided.

Refunds are governed by our terms and conditions, and the money-back guarantee applies only if all training has been consumed, and the program was followed diligently. To request a refund, you must provide proof of completion of all modules, and failure to implement the steps outlined does not qualify for a refund.

This website may contain forward-looking statements regarding future financial performance. These are only predictions and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated.

By purchasing or using the products and services offered through this site, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Nick Tribe and his company from any and all liabilities, claims, damages, and expenses that may arise from your use of the information provided.

The content provided is NOT legal, financial, or business advice, and we recommend consulting a professional before making any significant business decisions. You are responsible for understanding and complying with any laws, regulations, or taxes that may apply to your business.


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