
for anyone looking for a smarter way to start an online business

Get Paid To Create
Digital Products

A step-by-step system that gets you paid to
create products before you actually create Them 

WITHOUT A big list, an audience, or any testimonial 


Nick Tribe

Hey, It's Nick.

In a few years, I went from being a frustrated agency owner to create and sell digital products online that allowed me to finally have the freedom I craved. 

Here's my story.

I used to launch products into the void.

I had no clue where to even start to get people to buy my products. 

After months of trying, I still hadn't made a single sale online. 

So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation. 

I started looking for a way out.

I looked every where and a few months later I stumbled upon a forum where a group of entrepreneurs were talking about how they were making money with their ideas, getting paid for their products before even creating them.

They called themselves 'smarter' because they were launching new ideas without wasting time or risking money upfront.

The idea clicked with me, so I decided to try it.

A few weeks later, the experiment worked.

It didn't just work once. 

It worked over and over again, in different markets, niches, and price points.

I've sold ebooks, courses, programs, templates, and all kinds of digital products using this exact system.

I went from not having a clue on what to do...

To getting paid even before actually creating the product.

Completely counterintuitive, but it works. 

Ok, enough with the talking.

I put together everything I know about this framework into a step-by-step system you can get on this very page.

It comes with practical guides, templates, and tutorials on how to do this.

It's straight to the point, full with value, and with ready-to-apply strategies.

There is no catch, no hidden 'continuity program' you have to try or anything remotely like that.

In fact, it even comes with a Money-Back-Guarantee.

Here's how it works.

If you consumed all the training and you don't get results, you get a full refunds, no questions asked.

I created this product with the goal of providing people with a 100% risk-free approach to product creation. 

Entrepreneurship is already risky enough.

Ok, really enough with the talking.

If you're tired of launching things that don't sell, this system is for you.

Get access by clicking the button below.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

See you inside.

To your success,

Nick Tribe 

for anyone looking for a smarter way to start an online business

Get Paid To Create
Digital Products

A step-by-step system that gets you paid to
create products before you actually create Them 

WITHOUT A big list, an audience, or any testimonial 


F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Smarter Entrepreneur?

It’s a counterintuitive system that flips the traditional business model on its head. Instead of spending months building something, hoping it’ll sell, you’ll learn how to get paid first, then build. It’s the exact system I use, tested and proven in multiple markets and niches, to get real results before you invest time and energy into creating a product.

I Am Interested. What Exactly Am I Getting?

You're getting instant & immediate access to the Smarter Entrepreneur system, where you can master how to get paid to create digital products. Inside the system, you're going to learn the complete guide that shows you how to get paid upfront before you even build. Plus templates, trainings, and in-depth explanations. Everything you need to stop wasting time and start getting paid—no fluff, no filler.

What If I Don't Have a Product Idea Yet?

No problem at all. In a way, better - because you come with an open mind and you can choose to apply the framework however you see fit. This system works for those just starting out or those stuck with failed ideas. I’ll show you how to find out what people will pay for before you even build, no matter who you are, what niche you're in, or what you want to sell. 

Can I Do This On The Side?

Absolutely. I’m all about freedom and designing a business that works for you. Whether you’re part-time, full-time, or just getting started, you can make this work. But you still need to commit.

What's The Catch?

There is none. Either you’re ready to invest in yourself and make things happen, or you’re not. I’m not here to convince you. The only "catch" is that you’ve got to take action.

Is There Support If I Have Questions? 

Yes. Send us an email to support@thesmarterentrepreneur.com for any doubts or questions. We'll get back to you asap.

Why Should I Trust You?

I could easily say because I've done this across different markets, niches, and offers and also helped others achieve the same result. But as stated in the letter, if you need me to convince you, this is not a good fit. If you can’t see that from everything I’ve already said, don’t buy. Simple.

Why Don't You Show Testimonials?

Because I don't need them. From experience, the type of people who need testimonials to feel safe about a purchase aren’t the kind I want to work with. Real action-takers don’t need a long list of people to convince them. They move fast, implement immediately, and get results. The system is built for those kinds of people.

If you’re still sitting around waiting for someone else’s success story, this isn’t for you. I don’t need to convince a few more people who aren’t going to do anything with it anyway. 

How Long Will It Take To Start Seeing Results?

That depends entirely on you. If you sit on your ass and do nothing, you’ll see results never. But if you dive into the system, put in the effort, and actually take action, you’ll start seeing results faster than if you keep doing the same tired methods that haven’t worked.

It’s not magic—it’s a system that requires work. The faster you implement, the faster you’ll see results. Action = results. No action = no results. Simple.

Do You Offer 1-1 Help?

This is a complete playbook designed to help you understand and implement the system. I don't hold anything back and you don't need me to get results from it. But if you are the type of person who benefits from coaching, we have some options to help you implement everything you learn. 

Why The Price Is So Low?

Because this is a launch offer. Right now, you’re getting in at the ground floor while I gather feedback and refine things for more people. But the price is going up soon. The more people who sign in, the more value I deliver, the higher this price will climb. So if you’re hesitating over this small investment, just know the offer won’t stay this low for long. Take advantage while it’s here.


The information provided on this website, including the Smarter Entrepreneur System ©, is for educational and informational purposes only. We make no guarantees regarding income, business success, or specific outcomes, as results may vary based on individual circumstances and effort.

Any earnings or income statements are estimates only, and there is no assurance you will achieve the same results. By purchasing this program, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own actions and decisions. Nick Tribe and his company are not liable for any financial loss, damages, or negative outcomes resulting from the use of the materials or content provided.

Refunds are governed by our terms and conditions.

This website may contain forward-looking statements regarding future financial performance. These are only predictions and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated.

By purchasing or using the products and services offered through this site, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Nick Tribe and his company from any and all liabilities, claims, damages, and expenses that may arise from your use of the information provided.

The content provided is NOT legal, financial, or business advice, and we recommend consulting a professional before making any significant business decisions. You are responsible for understanding and complying with any laws, regulations, or taxes that may apply to your business.


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